Purgatory Penman

An Epistle of the Penitential


Like most people, my main desire is to be understood. Hopefully, this blog will enable me to completely explain who I really am as a person. I desire your communication. Write to me at: P.O. Box 40543, Memphis, TN 38174-0543

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fellowship Finale

As our time is running out, the Christian community should stick together. If someone has repented of his sins and has accepted Jesus as the Son of God, Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit into his life, regardless of his past or subtle doctrinal differences, he is a brother or sister in Christ. Our different heritages or origins as Christians are not enough to keep us from each other.

It is common knowledge within Christian circles that in the "End Times," evil will prosper and the good will be persecuted. Today, which churches and doctrines are prospering financially and growing in numbers, and whose numbers have been decimated by scandal, whose members are suffering? Catholics and Protestants have been at odds to varying degrees off and on since the Reformation. Why, if their basic gospel message is the same? If Catholics want to revere Mary as the mother of Jesus, just as almost everyone of us reveres his own mother, what is the harm? The psychological dynamics of the matter seem to be the same. No individual member is responsible for what his/her church hierarchy or administration decides or does. Why do we hold him/her responsible? As Jesus's representatives, who are the suffering brothers and sisters we are to be ministering to as Christians? They are right in our neighborhoods, their churches down the block.

Why do we allow imagined conflicts and affronts seperate and concern us when Jesus has already won the Victory? Let's not waste any more time at a point when it is so precious.

J. Wallace


Blogger JMG said...

A big AMEN to that, Brother!

10:45 AM  
Blogger Tony Arnold said...

Why...because we are more concerned with our will than His Will.


10:46 AM  
Blogger jettybetty said...

I need to give you a big "AMEN Brother" on that one, too! It's time to put aside the differences and see all we have in common--like Jesus!

6:51 PM  

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